In 2001, a quiet hero arose. A father, a loving husband, a dedicated federal agent...an unhinged maniac with a gun, multiple knives and a self-made license to kill. That man: CTU agent Jack Bauer. Three buddies – two 24 veterans and a newbie – re-live every minute of the longest days of Jack's life, drink copiously and wish for the incredible technology of the early 2000s. Events unfold in real time.

Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Day 2, Hour 14: Jackarina of Time
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
This week, the boys break down Hour 14 of 24 Season 2, and we're finally getting places. Michael needlessly and cruelly mocks Xander Berkeley's hairline, Curtis finally settles the great Tom Hanks vs. Denzel Washington, and Cush gets escorted by Agent Tom Baker. We all get mad at Force Ghosts.
Highlights include:
- G Mase Kreuger
- Warner Sisters
- We've got a Broken Arrow!
- Sherry Palmer finally gets hers

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Day 2, Hour 13: Cat Piss and Jizz Party
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
This week, the boys break down Hour 13 of 24 Season 2! Kim Bauer briefly keeps a secret, and then spills a double helping of them beans. Jack Bauer steps into a Coral Snake commando cat piss party, David Palmer continues his torture boner, and Sherry Palmer jumps into a conspiracy with both feet.
Highlights include:
- Lonnie builds a Friend Zone in his survival bunker.
- CTU is bad at CTRL+F.
- What do you call 3 dots in a row? It's like a...like, a line.
- More Tom Hanks horseshit.

Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Day 2, Hour 12: Oops Secret Sex Room
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
This week, the boys break down Hour 12 of 24 Season 2, and uh...it gets uncomfortable. Jack Bauer brings Syed Ali to his laughing place, Kim Bauer goes from a cougar trap to a Dillon trap, David Palmer gets off on CCTV torture porn. Sherry makes a hat statement.
Highlights include:
- The Best Heaven is Mike Pence Hell.
- Hidden Doorway, Secret Sex Room
- Johnny Dramaaaaaaaa
- Let the wild cougar rumpus begin!
- Wow, everybody sucks huh?

Friday Mar 23, 2018
Day 2, Hour 11: Welcome to Cougartown
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
This week, we break down hour 11 of 24 season 2. David Palmer encourages a former Green Beret to get back into his laughing place, Jack and Kate's plans to nab Syed Ali almost go up in flames, Marie interrupts taco time at the machine shop, and Kim finally goes and Kims herself right into the cougar trap.
Highlights include:
- Careless whispers revealed.
- Crank 3: Roger That.
- Small chairs and short pants.
- Toy Story video games are a lie.

Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Day 2, Hour 10: Cabal Me By Your Name
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
This week, the boys break down 24 season 2, hour 10! David Palmer uncovers a venomous cabal arrayed against him, Jack Bauer shoots a man in the face with a beanbag, and Kim Bauer races toward the feline encounter we've all been waiting for. G Mase loses his edge, and Tony gets a date.
Highlights include:
- Trojan Horse PasswordZ ;)
- Tiny clocks strike for thee.
- The Wire Season 6: 24
- Blonde and bad.

Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Day 2, Hour 9: On a Wing and a Flare
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
This week, we break down hour 9 of 24 season 2. Jack Bauer shows a flare for murder, Kim heads back to the big city, Nina pulls a predictable double-cross, and we're pretty sure Reza isn't getting married today.
Highlights include:
- Curtis still don't trust nobody.
- Somehow the Warner sisters each become worse.
- Paul loses some rough edges.
- Bauer's Hierarchy of Murder

Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Day 2, Hour 8: Big Bad Nuclear Beans
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
This week, the boys break down 24 Season 2, Hour 8 and say hello to Maz Jobrani! George Mason finally dials up his Bauer power. The NROC heats up. Kim spills those big, bad nuclear beans. Nina finally gets an edge. Literally everyone commits treason. We're still running out of time.
Highlights include:
- Pools are cool because you meet cool people.
- Benlo Park with Beyonce and friend
- Moles on moles!
- Kate Warner/Kim Bauer hate-off

Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Day 2, Hour 7: Visalia Rising
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Thursday Feb 01, 2018
Oh snap, the boys are back! We break down Hour 7 of 24 season 2 and catch up on all of Jack Bauer's good shenanigans. After a bit of a hiatus, we dive right back into the bustling town of Visalia, CA – City of Industry! In what is essentially a Chamber of Commerce-sponsored tourism ad for Visalia, the boys continue to dunk on the Warner sisters, love on Tony Almeida and admire Jack's murder restraint. Buckle up and check out the ruins of Visalia's only antique store.

Thursday Nov 23, 2017
Day 2, Hour 6: Happy Hanksgiving
Thursday Nov 23, 2017
Thursday Nov 23, 2017
This week, we discuss Hour 6 of 24 Season 2. This week, Jack Bauer keeps cool under pressure, Tony's true form is unleashed, Kate Warner reveals the true extent of her terrible sister powers, and Miguel channels his inner Chuck Norris. It's a heck of an episode.
Highlights include:
- Careless whispershouts.
- Nina loses her hands and feets.
- Jack Bauer, senseless murder puppy.
- Curtis admits he has a nerd problem.

Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Day 2, Hour 5: Privileged White Girl Banishment Spell
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
Thursday Nov 16, 2017
This week, we discuss Hour 5 of 24 Season 2. And man, you can really tell we didn't want to. Jack finds himself back in command, Kim finds a new boyfriend, and Marie Warner finds out you can't banish an FBI agent with white privilege. Paula loses more of that very important blood.
Highlights include:
- Chopper problems.
- We slurp from your soup bowl.
- Curtis bombs the harbor.
- 24: Cult sounds cool as hell.